Gull Island - Carolina Country

Gull Island

Gull Island

This new memoir takes readers back to the 1950s on Hatteras Island, in a time before the Bonner Bridge crossed Oregon inlet and modern development encroached. Life was simpler then. The hardy native islanders were free to roam marshes, sounds and beaches. They raised livestock, hunted and fished, and supplemented meals with vegetables and fruits from their well-maintained gardens. Their homes were built sturdy, to withstand storms, and had a single pull-chain light in the ceiling of each room. Some still had outhouses out back and lacked running water. As author Elvin Hooper puts it, some of the tales are true, some not so true in “Gull Island and Other Stories.” Either way, they stir up fond memories of duck hunting, sport fishing, pranks, dirt clod wars, delicious food and other treasured activities and things that made life interesting and fun. Hooper is a lifelong resident of Hatteras Island and a member of Cape Hatteras Electric Cooperative. Softcover, 420 pages, $15.95. Buxton Village Books in Buxton is among bookstores that carry the book.


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