North Carolina Country Life - Carolina Country

Carolina Life

Stories of life in North Carolina

Exercising with Pets

A four-legged buddy can help keep you healthy

Gifts with Good Taste

These food gifts for the holidays are local and award-winning

Little Free Libraries

Community-led book boxes are big on sharing

Friendly, Fresh and Local

North Carolina’s farmers markets are growing, to the benefit of local communities.

Top Dog: North Carolina’s Tale of the Coyote

Like it or not, coyotes seem to love it here as much as we do

Four Sports You've Likely Never Heard Of

Test your skills with these unusual sports being played in N.C.

Butterfly Highway

A network of pollinator pit stops is taking root across the state.

Sheltering Our Feathered Friends

Concerned Carolinians are providing homes for birds in need

Timeless Tomatoes

The fruit of summer

Carolina Country Scenes 2016

A gallery of your favorite photos

Carolina Country Scenes 2017

A gallery of your favorite photos

Hunting for Those in Need

An innovative program keeps deer populations in check while feeding the needy

Okay Okra!

Never mind the slime

The birth of a beverage

100 years ago, Cheerwine grew from North Carolina roots

North Carolina Pecans

A holiday tradition in pies, pralines and pieces