‘Springhouse Christmas’ by Arie Reinhardt Taylor - Carolina Country

‘Springhouse Christmas’

Art by Arie Reinhardt Taylor

‘Springhouse Christmas’

Catawba County artist Arie Reinhardt Taylor, a member of Rutherford EMC, painted scenes from the countryside she grew up in from the early 1950s until just a few years ago (she’s now 99).

Although she didn’t keep track of how many she’d painted until 1996, since then her count is around 300. As she proudly states, “Not one was alike.” Her work is done by memory, and some of her favorite paintings reflect time spent picking cotton on the land where she grew up — where she lives to this day.

Arie Reinhardt Taylor Artwork

Arie's work can be found in the Hickory Museum of Art. Prints are available for purchase there or online.

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