Bovine Joy Ride
I grew up on a big farm in the Blackberry Community with my parents and nine kids, of whom six are still living. We had to work hard to make a living, but we also had a lot of fun, especially when my brothers would make wooden tricycles, sleds and stilts.
Dad broke this ole steer (pictured) to work the farm. My brother Wayne (who is deceased now) took my sister Cathy joy-riding on the steer one day.
We grew all of our food back then. We also had plenty of fresh pork and beef. Dad and my brother built two large chicken houses and we grew 12,000 chickens for market and still had plenty to eat.
Life wasn’t so bad back then. On the weekends we would all load up and go far and near to good ole gospel singing and revivals, always enjoyed that.
Those were definitely the Good Ole Days.
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