The Great Carolina Fried Chicken Map - Carolina Country

The Great Carolina Fried Chicken Map

Plan ahead with a road map highlighting 300+ fried chicken spots

The Great Carolina Fried Chicken Map

Map courtesy of EDIA, Inc.

If so, no need to skid! You can plan ahead for your next stop with a new road map that highlights eateries that specialize in this yum-o-licious dish. The map marks more than 300 sites across North Carolina and South Carolina, ranging from traditional take-out joints and gas stations to church dining rooms and linen-clothed sit-downs. Each restaurant’s round symbol details how its fried chicken is made (battering method, frying method and oil type). There’s also traditional Southern-fried biscuits, sandwiches, chicken-and-waffles, Nashville-style hot chicken, Korean double-fried, smoked-fried, and two styles native to the Carolinas — dipped chicken and Calabash chicken.

Fried Chicken Map in action

Photo courtesy of EDIA, Inc.

On the back of the map, restaurant listings are divided by state and include addresses, phone numbers and hours. Icons call out restaurants with a buffet or cafeteria line and places that are cash-only or take-out-only. Occasionally, a description will note additional specialties to eat with your fowl, such as fried pickles (Danny’s Place in Rockwell, NC). Road maps are $9.99; posters $29.99 (front of map only, no listings).

To learn more or to order, visit

Comments (4)

  • Where can I get the 'great" Carolina Fried Chicken Map?

    Chuck Masula |
    March 02, 2022 |

    • I live on the West Coast and my son moved to North Carolina and I payed him a visit and we went to Slappys chicken in Winston Salem and it was delicious. He went to Magnolia 23 and he said it was delicious.
      Where I live we have lots of different kinds of food and it’s great but they don’t make fried chicken anywhere in this country the way they make it in the south. I really want a copy of that map can you direct me on how I can do that. I have checked eBay it’s not there and Amazon doesn’t sell it anymore.
      Thank you very much

      Heather Chraska |
      September 20, 2023 |

  • Do you know where I can get a copy of the fried chicken map?

    Robert Broda |
    November 02, 2022 |

  • The Chicken Map was advertised on Tar Heel Traveler. I want one! Please direct me to where I can get one…I live to travel snd my husband Lives to eat at restaurants that are not Chains.
    ?HELP? Thank you❣️Barbara

    Barbara Renie |
    June 04, 2023 |

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