Youth Tour Participant Describes Experience in Washington D.C. - Carolina Country

A Crash Course in the Cooperative Difference

NC Youth Tour’s Maya Fitch learns how co-ops ensure rural communities are heard

By Maya Fitch

Maya Fitch

Maya Fitch

When I first applied for the NC Youth Tour sponsored by our electric cooperative, Surry-Yadkin EMC, I had no idea what I was getting myself into.

Upon arriving in Raleigh to meet everyone before the drive to Washington, D.C., I was surprised to find that there were nearly 50 participants, most of us from little-known rural towns all over North Carolina. Many of us gave speeches on what we had learned about electric cooperatives from our local co-ops. After we delivered our speeches, I was proud to be selected by my peers as our state’s representative for the national Youth Leadership Council (YLC).

Electric co-ops ensure that the voices of smaller rural communities can still be heard on a national level.

When we arrived in D.C., I knew very little about the impact of electric cooperatives outside of local community initiatives that my cooperative has — such as assisting those in need with funds through the Operation Round Up program. On Youth Tour, we visited national landmarks and met with the offices of various North Carolina legislators who emphasized the importance of electric co-ops in ensuring that the voices of smaller rural communities can still be heard on a national level.

At the All-State Youth Night, it was truly eye-opening to see just how prevalent co-ops are in our country. With around one to four representatives from each co-op in the state and almost 50 total participants, North Carolina was far from being the largest group present. I was surrounded by people from faraway states like Montana and Texas, and amazed to meet attendees from Washington state, California and Hawai’i. We mingled in the crowd for hours to trade state pins, constantly asking “What state are you?” or “Do you have Alaska?” (the rarest pin to find, as there was only one representative who traveled from Alaska). The room was raucous and chaotic with thousands of teenagers, but the opportunity to meet so many people from all over the country (and represent our state with an awesome group cheer) was an unforgettable experience.

As the Youth Leadership Council’s delegate for North Carolina, I will partner with Surry-Yadkin EMC in the coming months to support initiatives that benefit our local community and continue learning about the importance of cooperative businesses. As NC’s representative, I attend monthly video conferences with other states’ YLC delegates to discuss our engagement with our local co-ops and support each other with ideas to make the most positive difference in each of our communities. In the spring of 2025, I will attend the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association’s annual meeting in Atlanta, as well as the statewide North Carolina meeting in Raleigh, to gain further insight into the larger-scale matters relating to electric co-ops and their vital role in our state and country.

About the Author

Maya Fitch, a 2024 Youth Tour participant sponsored by Surry-Yadkin EMC, is a senior at Salem Academy in Winston-Salem.

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