Electric co-ops advocate for the wellbeing of the communities we serve - Carolina Country

Making Our Voices Heard

Electric co-ops advocate for the wellbeing of the communities we serve

By Sharla Wells

Sharla Wells

Sharla Wells

When you signed up to receive electric service from your cooperative, whether months, years or decades ago, you became a member of a local business that thrives on an empowered membership and a strong community. And as a member of an electric co-op, you have a voice that is critical to the cooperative model—a voice that rings loud when you exercise your right to vote in elections, whether for the co-op’s board of directors, or local, state and federal elections.

Electric cooperatives serve 45% of North Carolina’s land mass, but only 24% of the population, largely in rural and suburban communities. Despite this relatively small percentage of the population, co-op voters showed up in a big way to cast their ballots in 2024. Nationwide, voter turnout was led by suburban (45%) and rural (35%) voters, as compared to only 20% of those representing urban areas, according to The Associated Press.

Electric co-ops represent the interests of their members by advocating for reliable and affordable electricity, as well as the wellbeing of the communities we serve. We engage with state and federal legislators, regardless of party affiliation, on an ongoing basis to keep these priorities well represented and maintain positive relationships with elected officials.

A question we’ve been asked frequently since the election is: Will there be changes to what electric cooperatives advocate for based on the outcomes of the elections?

The short answer is no.

North Carolina’s electric cooperatives are guided by a shared Brighter Future vision that advances our commitment of providing reliable and affordable electricity to co-op members, while also working toward responsible, long-term sustainability goals.

With every co-op member who casts a vote, our elected officials hear our voices a little louder.

This Brighter Future vision guides our actions, decision-making and advocacy efforts regardless of election outcomes because it represents what our members and communities need: electricity that is there every time the switch is flipped and at a price that people can afford.

The more nuanced answer is that as administrations change and the makeup of legislative bodies shifts, some elements of our Brighter Future vision may come more (or less) into focus, and we respond accordingly.

This year’s election saw many expected outcomes as well as a few surprises. With seven new NC Council of State members and five new faces representing North Carolina in the halls of Congress, opportunities to educate officials will be increasingly important in 2025 and beyond.

Regardless of how party lines fall, the relationships established by co-ops through our ongoing advocacy will be instrumental in continuing to ensure policies that support providing affordable, reliable electricity to our members.

North Carolina’s electric cooperatives also continue to advocate for members at the federal level in conjunction with our partners at the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA). Together, we will advocate for a regulatory environment that protects reliable and affordable electricity, as well as the effective and efficient use of programs and funding that support a range of new energy technologies benefiting rural communities.

Guided by the goals of our Brighter Future vision, electric cooperatives will continue to advocate for members by engaging with and educating elected officials on the issues most important to rural communities. And with every co-op member who casts a vote, our elected officials hear our voices a little louder.

About the Author

Sharla Wells is vice president of external affairs for North Carolina’s Electric Cooperatives.

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