Come Rain or Come Shine - Carolina Country

Come Rain or Come Shine

Come Rain or Come Shine

Over the course of 12 Mitford novels, fans of author Jan Karon’s best-selling novels have kept a special place in their hearts for Dooley Kavanagh. They first met him when he was a freckled-faced, barefoot lad. Now, Dooley has graduated from vet school and opened an animal clinic. Money is tight and he and his longtime sweetheart, Lace Harper, are planning a downhome, potluck wedding. Getting married in a barn was supposed to be a piece of cake but, well, nothing is as easy as it seemed for this couple’s wedding. (For those who don’t know, the town of Mitford is loosely based on Blowing Rock.) Published by G.P. Putnam. Softcover, 305 pages; e-book $11.99.

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