Preventing the Spread of Mosquitoes - Carolina Country

Preventing the Spread of Mosquitoes

Eight spots they might be breeding in your yard


Preventing the Spread of Mosquitoes

Mosquito season is here, and these tiny insects aren’t just a nuisance, they can pose a serious health threat. There are at least 60 species of mosquitoes that call North Carolina home, some of which can carry and spread Zika virus, Chikungunya virus, West Nile virus and canine heart worm.

Where mosquitoes breed

Female mosquitoes can lay as many as 100 eggs at a time in just a few inches of standing water, making pinpointing breeding sites a challenge. To prevent breeding in your yard, it’s very important to do everything you can to eliminate standing water. A weekly inspection is a good idea, as well as encouraging your neighbors to do the same. 

If you’ve done everything you can to help prevent mosquitoes and are still having problems, you may need a licensed professional to employ an integrated treatment. Orkin ( is among pest control companies that treat for mosquitoes.

To help homeowners, entomologist Ron Harrison, Ph.D., reveals eight places mosquitoes like the most and offers advice on keeping them out of your yard.

1) Gutters

If enough debris collects over time, dirty gutters can clog up and create pockets of water perfect for mosquito breeding. Cleaning gutters regularly to make sure water is flowing smoothly can help keep mosquitoes from breeding close to your home.

2) Toys

Outdoor toys can collect water in nooks and crannies.

3) Flower pots

Rainwater can collect in saucers under flower pots.

4) Bird baths

Even though birds eat a variety of insects, standing water in bird baths left unchecked for days at a time can become an oasis for female mosquitoes looking for a place to lay eggs. Inspect and change the water weekly to avoid an infestation.

5) Rain barrels

If water is used within a few days, it will likely not be enough time to create a mosquito problem. However, if water is left standing for multiple days be prepared to find a hotbed of hungry pests.

6) Plants

Some plants hold water. Other shrubbery can serve as a hide-out for grown mosquitoes. In addition to blood, mosquitoes feed on nectar from flowers so they often hide in shrubbery during the day. Thinning dense shrubbery to increase air flow can help reduce the number of adult mosquitoes in your yard.

7) Tree cavities

Cavities in tree stumps and trunks are filled with water by rainfall, and mosquitoes may choose these holes for breeding. While it can be difficult to remove that standing water, a licensed professional can help identify and treat these areas.

8) Low points in the yard

Any areas lower than the rest of your yard may collect and hold standing water. Note these areas when patrolling, and inspect and drain them if necessary.

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