Make Family Reunions Meaningful - Carolina Country

Make Family Reunions Meaningful

Plan ahead to make the most of conversations


Make Family Reunions Meaningful

Photo courtesy of Getty

For many, reunions that had been postponed during the pandemic are finally starting to take place. Once those long-awaited hugs have been exchanged, everyone can settle in for some overdue catching up.

Sitting down with loved ones to talk about their lives can be richly satisfying. Learning about memorable events, favorite activities and valuable lessons they have learned can help bring you closer and get to know them in a different way. Consider the following tips from to begin these meaningful conversations.

Start by sharing mutual stories. If you’ve taken a vacation together or shared a cherished experience, discuss that first to get the conversation going. If your family member is hesitant, share your own stories first so he or she feels more comfortable.

Ask questions. One of the easiest ways to start and maintain a conversation is by asking questions. A visual prompt like a photo album, souvenir or memento can also be a conversation starter.

Take notes. Either during or after your conversation, make note of the important memories share

Treat your talk as a beginning. Use it as a springboard for more conversations which you can openly talk about any number of things, from reflecting on the past to planning for the future.

When the time comes, make it meaningful. These shared conversations may help your family plan a meaningful funeral or life tribute for your loved one that honors his or her life. When the time comes, memorialization can be an important step in the journey toward healing

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