Smart Appliances - Carolina Country

Smart Appliances

Consider pros, cons when mulling purchases

By Laura Araujo

Smart Appliances

Imagine a refrigerator that notices when the milk is low and orders more from an online grocery store. It might sound space-age, but this technology exists through smart appliances (appliances with built-in technology that enables them to connect to the internet). Here are some advantages and disadvantages to consider when it comes to owning them.

Energy savings. Smart appliances are designed to save energy. For example, homeowners can schedule their dishwasher to run during off-peak times when the cost of electricity is less expensive.

Convenience. A baker or cook with messy hands can preheat their oven simply by speaking to it. And rather than having an appliance repair person come out to recalibrate the oven, a manufacturer can do it remotely.

Security. With connected appliances, there is a risk of hackers accessing a home’s wireless network. Research ways to keep your network safe, such as by connecting appliances to a separate network from your computer.

Cost. They are more expensive than traditional appliances. With this in mind, you may want to select key appliances when purchasing them.

About the Author

Laura Araujo is a freelance writer who contributes to electric co-op publications nationwide.

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