Fruitcake: The Divisive Holiday Dessert - Carolina Country

Fruitcake Face-Off

Most either love it or despise it—there are few in-betweens with fruitcake.

Weighing in for fruitcake is Debbie Moose. Against, proposing an appetizing alternative, is Bridgette Lacy.

Slice of Fruitpie

In Praise of Fruitcake's Unusual Nature

I’ve heard the doorstop jokes, and endured the shocked expressions and suggestions that I need a checkup from the neck up. All because of my love for a food that I dare not speak its name in gourmet company. I love fruitcake.

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Papa's Holiday Hermit Cake by Bridgette A. Lacy

Fond Memories of Papa's Holiday Hermit Cake

James Russell Moore Jr., who I affectionately called Papa, loved feeding his grandchildren. I was his oldest. As a child, I was a skinny girl and a finicky eater. But anything my Papa made, I was at least willing to try. And as a child, every Christmas I could count on two gifts from Papa: a homemade fruitcake and a hermit cake (a type of nut cake).

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Reader Poll Results

Our social media followers have their own opinions about fruitcake, and they shared them in response to a recent poll, where we asked: Do you love fruitcake, or despise it? Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to participate in future polls.

Take it!

“I make my favorite aunt’s fruitcake recipe every year and mail one to my cousin in Pennsylvania. It’s one of my favorite activities at Christmas. I have warm memories of my mother and his mother cracking nuts, heating a fresh coconut to crack and mixing the candied fruits together for a delicious cake. If it is made right and baked perfectly, it is the perfect Christmas cake.”

Shirley C. Routh

“Homemade fruitcake by mom was the best holiday treat. Dad hand cracked the nuts.”

Barry Thomas

“Claxton fruitcake was always a favorite at our house during the holidays!”

Karen B. Kiser

Leave It!

"Ugh, fruitcake is definitely a doorstop. Mom loves it, though."

Donna McLean

"Depends on the fruitcake. My grandma’s was amazing. Most others I don’t care for."

Amy Marie