On Thursday, October 27, 2022, the People Helping People Board of Directors held their fourth quarter board meeting in the board room at Randolph Electric. At this meeting, two board members were honored for their service to the PHP organization and their service to the community.
The PHP Board of Directors consists of seven members from the Randolph EMC service territory. Each member serves a three-year term with the opportunity to renew a term once more based on the director’s desire to continue and the approval of fellow board members. On October 27, the Board honored 2022 Vice Chair Doris Brady and Director Gary Loy for serving two terms—a total of six years—of PHP leadership.
Round up your bill to help others
To sign up for PHP, fill out our online form. You can also call your local office, and we will be happy to help you round up just pennies a month to help another member in need.