This year's grand prize: A 2004 Jeep Liberty, retired from REMC’s vehicle fleet.
The dates are almost here for Randolph EMC’s Director Election and Virtual Annual Meeting. Make a note of these reminders and take an active role in being a member-owner of your electric cooperative!
Virtual Annual Meeting
Hear about Randolph EMC’s strategic focus and see the bill credit, gift card & Jeep Liberty winners!
Join us online at 10 a.m. on on October 9, 2020 to see the Annual Meeting live. You do NOT need to have a Facebook account to view the meeting and if you’re unable to view the live broadcast, the recording will be available on following the meeting.
2020 Director Election
Most members received a ballot in September with instructions for electing Directors for Board Districts 2, 4, and 7. All ballots must be returned to our election vendor, Survey & Ballot Systems, by 5 p.m. on October 7. Your completed ballot helps us establish a quorum for the Annual Meeting and enters you into our prize drawings for bill credits and gift cards, as well as our grand prize—a 2004 Jeep Liberty retired from REMC’s vehicle fleet!*
*Jeep Liberty prize is awarded “as is” and winner is responsible for any DMV and tax costs that may be associated with the vehicle.
See more photos of the Jeep Liberty and other details of the upcoming Annual Meeting on