Don’t Get Buried in High Electric Bills - Carolina Country

Did you know Union Power Cooperative offers a tool to help you manage your energy use? The UPC Mobile App allows users to set up alerts to inform you of high use on your account and therefore avoid surprises on your monthly bill. 

alerts and reminders

Seasonal fluctuations in temperature and other things like hosting those summer house guests can supplement and increase electric bills. The value of the Energy Usage Alert is that it can help identify something you could typically miss — like a malfunctioning heat pump or well pump — before it runs your electric bill sky high, causing your finances to plummet into the ground. The Energy Usage Alert notifies you when your daily energy use exceeds the dollar amount you set up. 

What Happens if I Receive an Alert? 

If usage alerts are received consistently for a few days, and seasonal temperatures can be ruled out, it is time to investigate further. The top three offenders that typically cause a spike in usage and should be checked by a licensed technician are:

  • Heating/Cooling systems
  • Electric water heaters
  • Well pumps/water system leaks

Don’t get buried in high electric bills. Take the time now to set up alerts on your account. Simply download the UPC Mobile App by looking for our name “Union Power Cooperative” or the app name “UPC Mobile” in the App Store or the Android Market. 

Visit for more information. 

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