Beat the Peak - Carolina Country
A New Way to Work Together to Lower Energy Costs November 2020
A New Way to Work Together to Lower Energy Costs
November 2020

Your actions matter. Beat the Peak is a way for Brunswick Electric members to work together to level off peaks in energy usage, which usually occur on the coldest winter mornings and hottest summer afternoons. We pay more for wholesale power during those times, and if we reduce energy consumption then, we can keep everyone’s electric bill as low as possible. Decreasing the maximum demand on our system may also reduce the need to build new power plants.

Beginning in December, members will automatically receive Beat the Peak email and text alerts to the email address and cell phone that are associated with your account, letting you know when a peak period is about to occur. You can then take action during that time period by doing things like adjusting your thermostat by a few degrees, and avoiding doing dishes, laundry, cooking or showering. If you don’t want to receive the alerts, there will be a simple opt-out process.

This effort is so important that in addition to the texts and emails, we’ll often be alerting members about the upcoming peak period through social media, and sometimes news media and our website. Your actions matter, and together we can keep everyone’s bill as low as possible and have a positive impact on the environment.

To update your email address and cell phone number, please call (800) 842-5871.

To Learn More

Find out how Beat the Peak could benefit you.

Beat the Peak

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