Have An Opinion? We Want To Hear It! - Carolina Country
Have An Opinion? We Want To Hear It! February 2022
Have An Opinion? We Want To Hear It!
February 2022

Emails. You get them every day, you give many of them a cursory glance and then delete them.

Buried in there, or more glaring, because you haven't seen this address before, is an email from cooperativesurvey@bellomyonline.com or cooperativesurvey@bellomymail.com.

Before you delete it, you open it to see what it's about. It's a survey, but why should you fill this out? You may not know this, but South River EMC is continually conducting member surveys.

The email is asking you to participate in a survey about your satisfaction with the co-op’s performance as your electric service provider. You may not receive an email, but instead a phone call, but the caller will identify as conducting a survey for South River EMC. With all the scammers out there, you may wonder if this is legitimate. Rest assured, in this case, it is!

South River EMC works to collect member feedback to help us identify areas in which the co-op is meeting your expectations, as well as areas where improvement is needed.

Your responses also allow us to compare South River EMC’s performance with other participating cooperatives and leading corporations across the economic spectrum.

Here’s what to look for:
Company: Bellomy Research
Area Code: 704,919
Email: cooperativesurvey@bellomyonline.com, cooperativesurvey@bellomymail.com

Have questions?

If there are any questions about this survey, please contact us at 910.892.8071 or by emailing sremc@sremc.com.

Visit sremc.com

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