October rights-of-way maintenance schedule - Carolina Country
October 2024

Tideland has hired Gunnison Tree to trim vegetative growth in our rights-of-way. During October, Gunnison will work on Fairfield Harbour circuits #1 and #2. They will also work on the Arapahoe circuit starting at the Silverhill substation and then beyond the Minnesott Beach recloser.

Our contract construction crews with Lee Electrical will work throughout our system to proactively replace any poles that failed to meet our integrity standards following inspections by our contractor, Osmose.

Fall is a popular time to plant new trees and shrubs so they have time to establish root systems before the heat of summer returns.

Before purchasing trees, please take time to conduct a bit of research based on location and the proximity to both overhead and underground power lines. Staying well outside of the utility right-of-way when the tree reaches mature height will help the co-op reduce future tree trimming costs. And be sure root spread will not interfere with underground utilities.


Always call 8-1-1 before you start any construction or excavation project to have all utility lines properly identified and marked.


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