Tips on power usage in North Carolina - Carolina Country

Energy Advice

Energy efficient tips to use at home

Back to School Energy Savings

Adjust energy use to new routines

Backup Power Options

Considerations for storm-ready generators

Check Your Thermostat

The location of your thermostat can impact your ideal indoor temperature

Plant for Shade

Include energy efficiency in your landscaping plans

Sprinkling Energy Savings in the Garden

Tips to save some green outside

The Power of Ceiling Fans

Ceiling fans can help improve comfort year-round.

Save money this summer

The laundry room is a great place to start

Save Energy With Co-op Programs

Electric co-ops offer a range of energy efficiency tools and programs

3 Easy Changes to Save Energy

Small adjustments can add up

Working from home?

Here are two easy ways to save energy in your home office.

July is National Grilling Month

To reduce home energy use, avoid using your oven and use a grill instead.

Efficiency Tips for Residential Well Pumps

Ways to improve your residential well and reduce energy use

‘The Ceiling is the Roof’ for Home Upgrades

Roof work can lead to other energy savings

Add Windows and Screens to your Spring Cleaning To-Do List!

Clean windows and screens can help save money on your energy bill