Extend The Life of Your Dryer and Save Energy - Carolina Country

Extend the Life of Your Dryer and Save Energy

A clean dry towel will absorb excess water, shortening the drying time

Extend the Life of Your Dryer and Save Energy

Electricity used to operate major appliances accounts for a significant portion of your home energy use.

Here’s an easy way to lighten the load on your clothes dryer. Before you dry a load of damp clothing, toss in a clean, dry towel. The towel will absorb excess water, shortening the drying time. If your dryer does not include an autosense feature to determine drying time, remember to reduce the timer to about half of what you normally would. Remove the towel about 15 minutes after the cycle begins. Shorter drying times will extend the life of your dryer and save energy.

Source: homesandgardens.com  

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