Pine Log Swimming Hole - Carolina Country

Pine Log Swimming Hole

Pine Log Swimming Hole

Memories that are priceless and so wonderful are the ones that you can relive with the people that they were made with. Some of my favorite ones took place in Maysville at “pine log,” which was an approximately 100-by-30-foot section of White Oak River behind the former Byrd’s Sawmill. The huge sawdust pile joined the river, and unfortunately, was a source of many acquired red bugs on us boys!

The old pine log that crossed the swimming hole eventually was replaced by a big Cypress tree that had been cut perfectly to span the river and made an ideal place to sit or stand on. Its forked limbs offered a perfect vantage point for those not in the water.

Some of us teenagers did not have access to running water in bathrooms at home back then, so a hot July or August day at this old swimming hole was pure heaven. I can’t help but chuckle to myself when I remember the fact that most of us skinny dipped, or as we called it, “went naked!”.

I’ve been back to the pine log swimming hole and needless to say, it’s not there. But my memories are …

Benny Banks, Maysville, a member of Carteret-Craven Electric Cooperative

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