Small Garden With Big Yields Photo - Carolina Country

A Little Patch of Land

Bessie Stinson, Indian Trail, a member of Union Power Cooperative

A Little Patch of Land

My daddy was a tenant farmer, so growing things is in my blood. When I married, my husband and I always kept a large garden. Now that I’m widowed and 85 years old, I keep a tiny garden. It’s amazing how much food this little patch of land can produce! Cucumbers, green beans, tomatoes, bell peppers and squash – enough to share with my children, grandchildren, neighbors and friends. In autumn, I clear it and plant greens for the winter.
Of course, my grandchildren help me a little. My son made a scarecrow who wears my late husband’s jacket and straw hat, and holds the water hose that comes from my well. Watching things grow and flourish gives me great joy.

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