Beating holiday season stress - Carolina Country

Tips for Stress-Free Holidays

Plan ahead and enjoy the festivities

By Rue Reynold

Tips for Stress-Free Holidays

The holiday season is a time for joy, celebration and spending quality moments with loved ones. Don’t let it become a source of stress with pressure to create the perfect holiday dinner or festive gathering! Here are some thoughtful ways to navigate this season with ease and enjoy stress-free holiday planning.

Plan ahead

Begin your holiday preparations early. Create a detailed to-do list and timeline so you can stay organized and avoid last-minute chaos. Start by creating a guest list if necessary, then outline all materials and ingredients you may need and set a budget.

Delegate responsibilities

Don’t hesitate to ask for help. Whether it’s cooking, decorating or cleaning, involving family and friends can make the workload lighter, more enjoyable and enhance teamwork and bonds.

Simplify the menu

Instead of an elaborate multi-course feast, consider a simple menu with your favorite dishes. Also consider a potluck-style gathering, where each of the guests brings a dish. This style of dinner reduces your cooking load and allows everyone to contribute.

Shop smarter, not harder

Avoid the holiday rush by shopping for non-perishable items in advance. Make a shopping list and stick to it to minimize impulse purchases. Online shopping and curbside pickup can also save you time and stress.

Have realistic expectations

Understand that not everything will go perfectly, and that’s okay. Focus on the moments of joy and connection rather than striving for perfection. 

About the Author

Rue Reynold is the editorial assistant for Carolina Country

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