Turkey ‘n’ Dressing Crispy Waffles

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Turkey ‘n’ Dressing Crispy Waffles

As we ease into fall, our tastebuds and cravings turn toward comfort foods. We love turkey and dressing (or is it stuffing?), so why only serve it at Thanksgiving? Make these waffles with dressing from scratch, a box, or leftover to warm up a chilly fall eve.


  • 3 cups prepared dressing* 

  • ¾ cup cornstarch (¼ cup per cup of dressing)

  • 1½ teaspoons baking soda (½ teaspoon per cup of dressing)

  • ½–1 cup chicken broth or water

  • 2–3 cups gravy

  • 1 pound cooked turkey**

  • Fresh chives

  • 6 slices bacon, cooked and broken 

  • 1 can (14-ounce) cranberry sauce

*No leftover dressing? Just make a box of store-bought (about 3 cups per box). Best not to use dressing with bigger pieces of meat or vegetables for this recipe

**No turkey? Debone a rotisserie chicken.


  1. If cold, bring dressing to room temperature. Break up dressing in a large bowl. Add cornstarch, baking soda and broth, a tablespoon at the time, combining until moist but not too wet. Let stand for 15 minutes.

  2. Heat leftover gravy or make packet if using store-bought. Put turkey into gravy to warm while cooking the waffles.

  3. Preheat oven to 200 degrees. 

  4. Heat waffle iron on high heat. When hot, lightly spray and spoon about ⅓ cup dressing “batter” onto hot iron. Close and cook about 6–8 minutes until lightly browned and crispy. Keep warm in oven while cooking remaining waffles.

  5. To serve, place waffle(s) on plate. Spoon about ½ cup of gravy with turkey over each waffle. Garnish with chives and bacon crumbles and serve with cranberry sauce. Or you can flash freeze on a baking pan and then store in a zippered bag to heat and eat later.

Recipe courtesy of

Wendy Perry, a culinary adventurist and blogger, chats about goodness around NC on her blog at WendysHomeEconomics.com.

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