Carolina Living - Carolina Country

Carolina Living

Tips, tricks and inspiration for living life to the fullest in North Carolina

Family road trips

Tips to make your vacations go smoothly

Millennials and finances

Investing now for a brighter future

Winter care for cars and trucks

Proper maintenance now can prevent accidents later

4 common diabetes myths

Knowing the facts can help prevent and control Type 2 diabetes

Winter’s indoor air challenge

Efficient methods to improve air quality in your home

Smartphone savvy

Tricks for traveling smart with yours

Terrible tantrums

5 parent mistakes that make them worse

A hearty twist on comfort food

Nutritious sorghum is a versatile multi-tasker for your pantry

Buying your first home

Steps to take on your path to ownership

Keeping your data private

Ways to protect your personal information online and offline

By the numbers

Best positioning for items in your home

Heating systems

Consider fuel costs when mulling choices


Allergic to the holidays? Here’s how to keep yourself sneeze-free