Carolina Living - Carolina Country

Carolina Living

Tips, tricks and inspiration for living life to the fullest in North Carolina

On the road

Keeping fit and healthy while traveling

DIY relaxation

Creative ways to keep tension from taking over

Bringing your dog along

Tips help road trips go smoothly for you and your best friend

The smartphone trip

Tips for using mobile technology on the road

Expanding your enterprise

Make a big impact with your small business

Will your home withstand storm season?

Document it for insurance, shore up weak points

Social Security retirement benefits

The big question: Collect sooner or later?

Protect your phone

Protect your smartphone from theft while on vacation

Eye-opening truth

Driving at night presents a challenge for some

Super bowl of chili

A good bowl of chili can make the day, no matter what happens on the field

Watch for Me NC

Communities and state government work together on pedestrian and bicycle safety

Nothing to sneeze at

5 tips for seasonal allergy relief

The smart budget traveler

Planning ahead expands your options while saving you money

How renters can achieve energy efficiency

Easy measures can help renters lower their power bill


Diabetics and non-diabetics alike can enjoy this sweet, juicy fruit