Things You Should Consider Before Getting a New Pet - Carolina Country

Things You Should Consider Before Getting a New Pet

A new pet requires more than a desire to make a new friend

By Rue Reynold

Things You Should Consider Before Getting a New Pet

Photo courtesy of Pixaby

Welcoming a new pet into your life is always an exciting venture, but are you prepared for the responsibility that comes with a new life? Not all pet guides are created equal, so whether you’re looking to welcome a fluffy puppy or admire an elegant tropical fish, here are the steps you should take before and after adding a pet to your family.


Before getting a new pet, you should consider the life-span of the animal, the size it will become, the chemistry between your family or any other pets you may have and if you’re ready to invest beyond “minimum” requirements.


Popular pet guides are not as reliable as they seem. The “recommended” enclosure size from a pet store is often not the size a reptile, fish, rabbit or other animal needs to thrive. Do your research on the diet, habitat and common health issues associated with your pet before you consider getting one. Don’t rely solely on pet store guides or employees.

Plan and save

Once you have an idea of your animal’s needs, it’s time to save money. (Don’t forget a vet fund and monthly pet budget.)


It’s important to prepare a space for your animal beforehand so that it can feel safe and comfortable sooner. This is especially crucial for aquatic animals that should not be placed in new enclosures right away. Their tanks need to cycle and settle after the nitrogen and ammonia process first.

Visit and examine

If possible, try to visit your intended pet before committing to it. This way, you’ll get to know its personality, explore chemistry, and get an idea if this animal will get along with any other pets you may have. This is also a chance to examine if the animal is in good health.


After getting your new companion, it’s crucial to take them to a vet. Regardless of getting them from a pet store, breeder or shelter, you’ll want to make sure your new pet is in tip-top condition. Remember, a bit of knowledge from the start gives you a chance to see if there are any underlying issues with your new friend and prevents possible endangerment to any other pets you may have.

Build Trust

Being in a brand-new environment can initially be overwhelming and scary for your new pet. Start slow and let trust build naturally. Provide the animal with your clothing to get them used to your scent. Also, for more timid animals, try to take them out once a day at first. Let them come to you.

Beginning a journey with a new companion at your side can be a rollercoaster ride, but with these tips, you and your new pet will have the best possible start.

About the Author

Rue Reynold is the editorial assistant for Carolina Country

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