Easter with Maw Maw and Paw Paw - Carolina Country

Easter with Maw Maw and Paw Paw

Easter with Maw Maw and Paw Paw
My sisters and I wore matching Easter dresses, bonnets and patent leather shoes. Libbie is on the left with Loni, the oldest and our protector in the middle.

I remember Easter Sundays at Maw Maw and Paw Paw Peeler's farm in Lincolnton. Zola and Richard Peeler, my daddy's parents, had the most magical home place.

Momma usually made our dresses after going to the Dime Store and purchasing a few yards of fabric, rickrack and lace. Our recycled baskets were filled with jelly beans, a chocolate bunny and the hard-boiled eggs Momma cooked and helped us color with food coloring. Our cousins came over, and we would try to see who had the hardest eggs by cracking each others' eggs. We would always lose because the cousins used guinea eggs, which are very hard.

The most fun was finding the eggs. We would take off running and looking among the buttercups, the clover, the porch swing or the chinaberry tree. We played barefoot in the chicken coop, grainery, barn loft or wood shed.

Sitting on the porch, Maw Maw wore a floral cotton dress and apron and would spit snuff into a can. Paw Paw wore overalls and talked about the crops and the weather. I can still hear the slamming of the screen door as all us young'ns ran in and out.

Debbe Peeler Scrance, Vale, Rutherford EMC

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