Making your home smarter - Carolina Country

Making your home smarter

New apps let you control your home’s systems from just about anywhere

Making your home smarter

With apps that offer comfort, convenience and security, you can get more out of your smartphones, tablets and laptops to make your home a better place to live. Smart home apps link various home devices together to bring peace of mind, control and even energy savings to our lives.

The best part is the app functions can be performed away from home, so you can monitor your most valuable investment — even while out of town. Here is a guide to technologies that exist to make homes smarter:

Adjusting temperatures

Imagine coming home from a trip to learn your town is experiencing extreme weather conditions. There’s no need to worry about how hot or cold your home will be. Apps allow you to control the temperature settings on the thermostat from your smartphone, tablet or laptop, so your home’s temperature will be just the way you like it when you arrive. These capabilities are also eco-friendly, allowing users to regulate the temperature while the home is unoccupied, which can mean savings on energy bills.

Let a little sunlight in

Until recently, motorized window shades were an expensive luxury — that is, until smartphone technology came into play. Now you can adjust your curtains and the natural light streaming into your rooms with one of several apps. These systems also allow you to set a schedule for opening your shades, so you can wake up to natural light every morning.

Recording TV programs

Have you ever misplaced your television’s remote control? Do you have a hard time remembering to record your favorite television programs before leaving the house? Both of these problems can be solved with your mobile device. By downloading an app to connect to your smart TV, you can turn your phone or tablet into a remote control that allows you to schedule your favorite show and film recordings from anywhere.

Monitor your garage from anywhere

Sometimes it’s hard to remember if you closed the garage door. Designed to work with a free smartphone app, MyQ Garage by Chamberlain works with most garage door openers installed after 1993, and uses your home’s Wi-Fi to allow you to open your garage door remotely. The app also sends automatic notifications to your mobile device when the door opens or closes, so you know when someone else is operating the door. For more information, visit

Flip the switch

When traveling, many people leave lights on inside their homes to deter thieves. Some smart apps allow you to control various lighting sources within your home through your smartphone or tablet. Do you have a forgetful family member who always leaves on the lights? Save energy and money with the ability to turn off those lights from anywhere.

— Family

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