Assurance - Carolina Country


My dad was 83 years old and had been falling due to Parkinson’s disease. During the two years of falling, he needed to get stitches in his head a few times. This developed blood clots on the brain, but the doctor did not recommend surgery. Dad soon became bed-ridden.

After several mini-strokes it was hard for him to eat or talk.

He was a Christian several years before this, but I wanted the assurance that he was still serving the Lord.

One day his doctor told me Dad had only a few months to live. When I got home that afternoon, my daughter, who looked after my dad, told me a story. She said Dad was sleeping when my 9-year-old grandson went to her and said he saw an angel walk through the dining room into the living room by Dad and disappear. Some 20 to 30 minutes later, my daughter went to check on Dad and asked if he was OK. He said, “Why did you wake me? There was an angel playing beautiful music on an autoharp.”

I felt like that was my assurance from the Lord that dad was ready to go to Heaven.

Essie Nealey, Tabor City, Brunswick EMC

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