Woulda Been - Carolina Country

Woulda Been

A heartfelt tale about community, remembrance and giving back

Woulda Been

When Paw, the hardworking farmer and patriarch, passes away, Jess and his family struggle to move on.

They keep thinking about how Paw woulda been tending the fields and gardens, how he woulda been at Jess’s 10th birthday party to help him blow out the candles, and how he woulda been readying Boots, the farm’s newest Jersey calf, for the country fair. As the seasons change, they feel his absence every day. But when what woulda been Paw’s 78th birthday rolls around, Jess and his family decide to celebrate his life and memory by throwing a Woulda Been party with all their closest friends. In this heartfelt and inspiring story, author Penny Ledbetter of Iredell County share the importance of community, remembrance and giving back. The author hopes that the message of “Woulda Been” will be helpful to others who mourn the loss of loved ones. Hardcover, 34 pages, $23.99; e-book, $2.99.

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