A four-generation playhouse - Carolina Country

A four-generation playhouse

A four-generation playhouse

After the birth of our fourth grandchild, my husband and I built a playhouse. It’d be similar to the one we built for our children when they were growing up. We put our heads together with the older grandchildren and designed a plan. Building supplies were literally next door. Several years ago pine beetles killed pine trees in my mother-in-law's backyard, and my son and husband cut the trees and hauled them to a neighbor's sawmill. The bottom floor is a play kitchen for pretend meals and the upper floor has a cot, desk and a collection shelf for treasures. Connecting the two floors is a bucket on a pulley to send secret messages. On the backside is a basketball goal for our sport enthusiast grandson. Even Granddaddy enjoys stretching out on the cot and observing the next generation (Andi Elizabeth, 8, Zeke, 6, Maggie, 6, and Luke, 2) hard at play. The heritage playhouse spans four generations (counting my mother-in-law) of Wickers uniting in family fun. 

Kathy Wicker, Sanford, Central Electric

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