A hearty twist on comfort food - Carolina Country

A hearty twist on comfort food

Nutritious sorghum is a versatile multi-tasker for your pantry

A hearty twist on comfort food

When you think of winter comfort foods, you think of those hearty meals from home: rich stews, soups and chili, pot pies and one-pot dishes. This year, put a new twist on those classics.

Sorghum, a grain that resembles bulgur or wheat berries, is a healthy and tasty way to add variety to your favorite comfort foods. You can use sorghum in its whole grain form or pearled for great tasting, healthy dishes just like you would use rice. Its mild taste absorbs other flavors well, and its hearty texture is ideal for cool-weather recipes. What’s more, sorghum boasts an impressive nutritional profile. Naturally gluten free, it’s a hearty, soft bite solution to meeting the goal of 2–3 servings of whole grains each day.

Easy to prepare ahead and freeze, sorghum doesn’t compromise quality and also lends convenience to dishes that will warm you from the inside out. For best results, soak the whole grain overnight in cool water, then drain and cook 1 cup of sorghum in 3 cups of water — 35 minutes for pearled sorghum and 45 minutes for whole grain sorghum.

For a delicious take on risotto, try Sorghum Butternut Squash Risotto. You can find more recipes at healthysorghum.com.

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