Grape Kool-Aid - Carolina Country

Grape Kool-Aid

Grape Kool-Aid
Grandma and me in her kitchen when I was 7 years old.

As a young kid, I spent a lot of my summer vacation days with my Grandma. She was a very sweet, kind, hardworking person. I can remember summer days at her place playing in the creek with my bare feet, running races and hiking all around her 11-acre farm. I would climb trees, fish and rummage through the old barn.

My fondest memories were about the grape Kool-Aid Grandma prepared for me after a long day of playing. Grape was my favorite flavor, and it was fun knowing that when I came in dirty, wet, sweaty and tired, that I would have a full glass of that great drink waiting for me. Plus, Grandma always had fresh-baked cookies, fudge and cakes waiting for me too.

Rana Williams, Hayesville, Blue Ridge Mountain EMC

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