Digital detox tips to unplug from technology - Carolina Country

Unplug and Recharge with a Digital Detox

Practical strategies to improve everyday life with technology.

By Rue Reynold

Unplug and Recharge with a Digital Detox

In a world characterized by constant connectivity, a “digital detox” has become more than a trend — it's a necessity for reclaiming time and appreciating connections developed outside of a device. Here are some practical tips and tricks to let go of the device without unplugging entirely.

Thoughtful unplugging

Consider setting specific time limits for tech-use. Turn off non-essential notifications and try to divide the content you consume to be more intentional and necessary, rather than content you often find yourself diving into a rabbit hole for.

Blue light awareness

Prolonged exposure to blue light can disrupt sleep patterns. To ease this, consider incorporating blue light filters on devices or wearing blue light-blocking glasses, especially during evening tech-indulgence.

Digital vacation

Plan some time away from all things digital. Whether it’s three hours, a day or a weekend, use this time to engage in hobbies, connect with nature or simply unwind without the constant buzz of notifications.

Mindful screen-time

Schedule intentional breaks from devices to get used to being without them for a period of time. This could be a daily walk, during meal-prep or even while even setting the table.

By balancing technology use in your everyday routine, you’ll rediscover simple pleasures and appreciate life both on and off the digital screen.

About the Author

Rue Reynold is the editorial assistant for Carolina Country

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