Safe, efficient home heating in winter - Carolina Country
A Word About Halifax EMC by Tucker Lemley, Chief Executive Officer February 2024
A Word About Halifax EMC by Tucker Lemley, Chief Executive Officer
February 2024

When outdoor temperatures drop, our electricity use increases. That’s because we’re doing more activities inside, and our heating systems are running longer and more often to counteract colder outdoor temperatures.

Tucker Lemley

Tucker Lemley

Naturally, ensuring the safe and efficient heating of our home becomes a top priority. This month we’re sharing valuable tips to help you navigate the winter months efficiently, saving money while prioritizing safety.

Follow these tips to keep your home warm and secure during the colder months (and save a little money along the way):

  • Select the lowest comfortable thermostat setting and turn it down several degrees whenever possible. Your heating system must run longer to make up the difference between the thermostat temp and the outdoor temp. A simple adjustment to your thermostat can make a significant impact on your energy bill.
  • Seal air leaks around windows and exterior doors with caulk and weatherstripping. Air leaks and drafts force your heating system to work harder than necessary.
  • Stagger your use of major appliances such as dishwashers, ovens and dryers. Start the dishwasher before you go to bed and use smaller countertop appliances like slow cookers and air fryers to save energy. Use the low heat setting on your dryer. You’ll use less energy with a longer dry cycle at a lower heat setting than with a shorter cycle at a higher temperature.
  • Ensure that your heating system is optimized for efficiency with regular maintenance and proper insulation. Have a professional inspect your HVAC system to identify and address any issues before they become major problems. Make sure your furnace filter isn’t clogged and dirty - replace it as needed. Don’t block air returns with furniture or other large objects.
  • When possible, use cold water to reduce water heating costs. Setting your water heater thermostat to 120 degrees can help you save energy and reduce mineral buildup and corrosion in your water heater and pipes.
  • Unplug devices when not in use to eliminate unnecessary energy use. Even when turned off, electronics in standby mode consume energy. Plug devices into a power strip so you can turn them all off at once with the push of a button
  • If you supplement your heat by using a space heater, limit its use to one room at a time.If you leave the room, unplug the space heater. When used incorrectly, space heaters can take a toll on your energy bills and present fire risks in your home. If you’re using space heaters to warm a small area, remember to use the 3-feet rule to reduce the risk of a home fire.
  • If you have a fireplace, have the chimney inspected and cleaned annually to prevent the buildup of creosote, which can lead to chimney fires. Use a sturdy screen to keep sparks and embers from escaping, and never leave a fire unattended.

As we navigate the remaining winter season together, Halifax EMC remains committed to providing reliable and affordable energy. We encourage you to embrace these tips to create a warm and energy-efficient home while prioritizing safety for yourself and your loved ones.

More tips online

Find out what to do before, during and after a winter storm on our website.

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