5 Easy Energy-Saving Tips for Renters - Carolina Country
February 2020

Even if you rent an apartment, townhouse, or a home and can’t make major improvements, you can save energy and money by being more energy efficient. If there are things you can’t change on your own, share these tips and encourage your landlord to help you make a change for the better.

1 Lighting is one of the easiest places to start saving energy. LED and CFL bulbs use 75-80 percent less energy and last much longer, and turning off lights when leaving a room is a no-brainer! 

2 If possible, install a programmable thermostat to automatically adjust your home’s temperature settings when you’re away or sleeping.

3 Use a power strip as a central “turn off” point when you are done using equipment and unplug any battery chargers or power adapters when not in use (like your cell phone charger).

4 Save on water-heating costs by washing laundry in cold water whenever possible, running the dishwasher with a full load and using the air-dry option if available, and limiting showers to 10-minutes or less.

5 Make sure all air registers are clear of furniture so that air can circulate freely and take advantage of the sun’s warmth during cold weather by keeping drapes open during daylight hours. Be sure to close window shades and drapes in warm weather to keep the sun’s heat out.

Save even more!

Looking for more energy savings to lower your bill? Check out Randolph EMC's guide, 101 Ways to Save Energy and Money, available online.

Download the guide

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