Be Sure to #ThankALineworker - Carolina Country
April 18 is Lineworker Appreciation Day April 2021
April 18 is Lineworker Appreciation Day
April 2021

Each year, Union Power joins other electric cooperatives across our state and nation to celebrate Lineworker Appreciation Day. Held annually in April, this day recognizes lineworkers’ critical role in providing our members with the power they depend on every day.

The important responsibilities of lineworkers have become all the more challenging over the past year as they have implemented additional safety procedures due to the COVID-19 pandemic— from staggering daily lineworker shifts to limiting the number of guys per truck and scheduling fueling and yard pickups. Our lineworkers are taking every precaution to maintain social distancing best practices to ensure they remain safe, healthy, and capable of doing the essential work they’ve been called to do.

"The current pandemic has added another layer of precaution to an already demanding job, but our lineworkers have risen to the challenge."

“Our lineworkers undergo extensive training and follow numerous protocols to ensure safety as they work to maintain our lines and restore power, often in very treacherous conditions,” said David Gross, vice president of engineering and operations. “The current pandemic has added another layer of precaution to an already demanding job, but our lineworkers have risen to the challenge and demonstrated an exceptional level of skill, dedication, and expertise.”

In addition to serving their own communities, lineworkers are also called on to provide aid across the state and nation following major storms and other times of need. This commitment to “cooperation among cooperatives” is one of the core principles that demonstrates the true strength and character of the cooperative network.

Please use the hashtag #ThankALineworker on April 18 and throughout the year to pay tribute to our lineworkers’ many outstanding efforts!

Kids Electricity SafetyTeach Your Children About Electrical Safety

Teaching your children about electrical safety just got a lot easier with Union Power’s Kids Korner educational program. Kids Korner introduces children to learning about electricity in a fun, kid-friendly way with science lessons on electricity, energy-efficiency tips, hands-on experiments, and much more! Visit Kids Korner online to get connected.

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