Weatherization Loans - Carolina Country
Helping you improve energy efficiency July 2018
Helping you improve energy efficiency
July 2018

BEMC Weatherization Loan Prog logoIf your HVAC is struggling to keep up this summer it may be time for a replacement. Let BEMC help with a Weatherization Loan. Qualified members may borrow up to $6,000 for energy efficiency projects around the home, or $10,000 for commercial members. Visit for more information to see if you qualify for this program and join your friends and neighbors who have already taken advantage of this special member benefit. In 2017, BEMC provided more than $1.1 million in low-interest energy efficiency loans to members.

Since 1989, BEMC has been making low interest (5%) loans to members to help them make energy efficiency improvements to their existing homes and save on their energy costs. 

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