Unplug to Be More Connected - Carolina Country
June 2019

Summer is a great time to take a family vacation, but it’s also a good opportunity to unplug from our devices and enjoy the great outdoors with family and friends. Research has shown that we all need downtime after a busy day to recharge—even though we may resist it. Take a moment to slow down and enjoy some peaceful hours away from technology.

While unplugging from your devices, take a look around your home to identify electronics that consume energy even when they are not in use (this is known as “vampire” energy loss). TVs, gaming consoles, phone chargers and computers are some of the biggest culprits.

In our connected world, we have forgotten how to slow down. We multitask and text. We check email, then voicemail, then Facebook. Do yourself and your family a favor: Put down the device and absorb the fresh air.

You can also enjoy energy savings by incorporating LED products and fixtures for outdoor use, such as pathway, step and porch lights. Many include features like automatic daylight shut-off and motion sensors. You can also find solar-powered lighting for outdoor spaces.

Save energy by keeping warm summer air outside. Add caulk or weather stripping to seal air leaks around doors and windows. You can also employ a programmable thermostat to adjust the settings a few degrees higher when no one is home.

In our connected world, we have forgotten how to slow down. We multitask and text. We check email, then voicemail, then Facebook. Do yourself and your family a favor: Put down the device and absorb the fresh air.

While Brunswick Electric can’t help you recharge your relationships, we can help you save money and energy by connecting you with our energy-saving programs and services. When you do plug back in, we’re just a call or click away.

Our Tips & Tools video series is designed to provide you easy and affordable solutions for improving energy efficiency and in turn, possibly saving money on your electric costs. 

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