Hiring Subcontractors to Work in Your Home - Carolina Country
By Currie Batchelor, Director of Procurement and Facilities June 2020
By Currie Batchelor, Director of Procurement and Facilities
June 2020

We’ve all spent an unusual amount of time at home lately, and perhaps part of your attention has turned to maintenance or other projects that require an electrician, plumber, roofer, landscaper or other subcontractor. Based on my experience as the Director of Procurement and Facilities, the lessons I have learned on the corporate level can be useful when hiring someone to do work in your home. Allow me to offer the following recommendations, which should be followed when hiring an individual or company, regardless of the size of the job.

Start by having a clear idea of what you want done, the timeframe in which you hope to have the project completed and your available budget. It is important to be prepared to clearly and precisely communicate your expectations in order to most effectively achieve your goals. Making a list will be helpful.

Next, ask for referrals from friends and local contractors, then research the available professionals in your area. Be sure to consider the small business person who may be more readily available. Start by visiting their website then search for reviews using sites such as Home Advisor, Angie’s List, Google Review, Facebook and the Better Business Bureau. Finally, confirm that your choice is licensed, insured, bonded and has an acceptable safety record.

Once you have chosen your subcontractor, be sure to agree on and include in your contract such things as starting time, duration, cost, proof of insurance and worker’s compensation if necessary. Be sure to ask questions, review changes and demand clarification on anything that is confusing to you. Use friends, lawyers or any resources that you have to help you review your contract if you are not 100% confident with the terms. Communication and mutually agreed upon expectations are key to ensuring that your project will be completed successfully, on time and within budget.

On your behalf, at BEMC we adhere to stringent policies and procedures for all projects related to our facilities and electric system. Our decisions are guided by years of experience, and we always have the best interest of our membership in mind. You can be assured that our stewardship of your investment is expert and diligent, giving you consistently safe, reliable power at the lowest possible cost.

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