Fun with Janet - Carolina Country

Fun with Janet

Fun with Janet
This is a picture of Janet and me hanging around on William Street in Goldsboro. Janet is the one standing beside my car. I am all stretched out on the hood.

With all my cousins there were so many of us Mitchells growing up on a dirt road in Wayne County they named the road Mitchell Road. I loved all my cousins.

My cousin Janet and I once got one of my Daddy’s old tobacco trucks and fixed it up so we could camp in it. We put a top on it and curtains and camped out. By 10 p.m. we were through camping out. We went into the house and cooked chicken pastry. Boy, was it good!

Janet had a heart attack seven years ago and passed away. We were real close, and I still miss her.

Doris Burroughs, Mount Olive, Tri-County EMC

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