Those tight Easter dresses - Carolina Country

Those tight Easter dresses

Those tight Easter dresses
In the summer of 1943, my girlfriend and I finally could fit into the dresses we got for Easter that year. My boyfriend and I are in front, and she’s with her boyfriend.

My mother exchanged hooked rugs for used clothes. One year she received a box of beautiful dresses. My girlfriend and I each picked one to wear for Easter. They were tight, so we went on a diet. By Easter they fit us perfectly.

So we ate a big breakfast and began snacking on boiled eggs, cookies and candy. Mom cooked a good dinner. We ate so much my zipper ripped out, and my girlfriend’s dress ripped down the side. We had to put our everyday dresses back on. We couldn’t go visiting that evening. We took boiled eggs, cookies and candy and went up on the hill and ate all evening.

Later that summer we lost enough weight to wear the dresses, mended by then.

Viola Ward, Banner Elk, Blue Ridge Electric

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