Carolina Country Scenes
A gallery of your favorite photos
- Overhills Lake >> Every year we go out to Overhills Lake (the old Rockefeller Estate off of Vass Rd. and 87) to take family pictures this time of year. The lake and the trees, with their fall colors in the background, make for a beautiful backdrop. >> Tiers Arnts, Cameron, Central EMC
- Ant on acorn >> This is an ant crawling around on an acorn lid I found in the moss in my front yard. >> Ashley Baldwin, Denton, EnergyUnited
- Good Morning Son >> This is our youngest son in April 2006. He is saluting the sun as it rises at a special place in eastern North Carolina where a river flows into a creek. This is a quiet fishing village in Pamlico County. With a breeze flowing through the house, the sound of the laughing gulls and an occasional boat motor, we spend warm days enjoying the wildlife, fishing, catching crabs and making a big splash in the water. It is a treat when the dolphins swim by or an eagle darts down to catch a fish. It’s a great place to read a good book, enjoy cooking and take a nap when the mood strikes. The children can entertain themselves by the water all day. They always expect cinnamon toast with breakfast and a rowdy game of “UNO” at night. If we are lucky, we have a feast of fresh, fried fish when the sun sets for the evening. >> Donna Banks, Roseboro, South River EMC
- Gold in God’s Paradise >> Several years ago while living a busy and hectic life near the city, my family began a search to find a home in the country. We searched far and wide in western North Carolina and finally found a beautiful and quiet little farm tucked away in the mountains, with a babbling brook, animals and the abundance of nature. I love sitting on our porch observing the scenery. One raining day, the sun came out, and I ran to the porch hoping to see a rainbow. I was blessed with this spectacular double-rainbow. Although we are often still very busy, we live in God’s paradise. I now know what it means to see gold at the end of the rainbow. >> Denise Baron, Bostic, Rutherford EMC
- Ellis and the Stunned Cardinal >> My 12-year-old son, Ellis, has always enjoyed getting up close and personal with nature. He loves to pick up anything: snakes, frogs, crawdads, lizards, bugs, bees. He even caught a hummingbird bare-handed. One Saturday morning, I was in the kitchen and heard a thump on a window. I looked out to see a female cardinal lying on our front porch. I called my son, who went out and picked up the stunned bird. He began to stroke it with his finger. The bird began to move but was still very dazed. When she seemed to be more alert, she perched on his finger. I ran to grab my camera. My son held the bird for several minutes, stroking her head, and she began to peck at his finger. She then flew off to a nearby tree. This was an experience that my son and I will not soon forget. >> Tammy Baucom, Monroe, Union Power Cooperative
- Camp Willow Run >> Sun A sunset over a dock at Camp Willow Run on Lake Gaston in Littleton. >> Will Bratton, Littleton, Halifax EMC
- Old Yellar >> Scott Garlock, Macon Halifax
- A Path in the Woods >> We were taking our two dogs and our cat for a walk on the bike path in the woods behind our house. >> Chris Howard, Wake Forest, Wake EMC
- Freshly Plowed >> Ashton is watching J.R. walk in the freshly plowed field. >> Zach Hutto, Elizabeth City, Albemarle EMC
- Farm Cat >> This photo was taken at Goat Lady Dairy in Liberty. This was the farm cat who was roaming around greeting everyone. Cats I wanted to get a close-up wide angle shot without making the cat run off. I set the camera down on the deck floor and composed it blindly without looking through the viewfinder or changing the settings. I just set the camera down and fired. >> John Ireland, Asheboro Randolph EMC
- Just Listening >> Our granddaughter, Bella Elizabeth Luther, is 2 and a great joy to all of us. Even on your worst day, her smile can make you forget. Bella loves to get your attention. On July 4, 2011, we were at the Southeast Old Threshers Reunion in Denton watching the tractor pull. My husband, J.D., was talking with some old friends, and Bella had lain down in a tractor wheel just listening to the conversation. >> Cheryl Luther, Denton, Randolph EMC
- Horse Farm Photo >> A morning photo from a horse farm on Mitchell Mill Rd. near Raleigh. >> Rich Millward, Youngsville, Wake EMC
- This Is a Beach >> My son Kolden gets to know Wrightsville Beach. >> Jennifer Oelenberger, Statesville, EnergyUnited
- Summer Evening Crop Duster >> This is a crop duster pulling up after a pass spraying soy beans one summer evening in Pinetown. >> Steve Paschall, Aurora Tideland EMC
- Their World >> Everyone’s watching the parade. But Poppa and his great-grandson, David, are in their own little world. Poppa was a hardworking man, but he always laid down his tools and took time for children. >> Jan Clark Pearson, Indian Trail, Union Power Cooperative
- Historic Liberty Hall >> This is a Civil War re-enactor at historic Liberty Hall in Kenansville. >> Bryan Pinkey, Kenansville, Tri-County EMC
- Reflections on Veterans >> On a Veterans Day visit to the Airborne & Special Operations Museum in Fayetteville, we were listening to a presentation about Missing in Action soldiers. I glanced at my teenage son and saw in the reflection of his sunglasses the flags representing lots of teenage sons, husbands and fathers who would not have an opportunity to go to a museum with their families. I saw a replica of the Vietnam Memorial with names of many others who can never tell their stories to their loved ones. I saw others like myself who can only salute and say a sincere “thank you” to all who willingly serve so that we might know the freedom of a celebration ceremony such as this one. >> Lynda Russell, Thomasville, EnergyUnited
- Casey’s View >> My son, Casey Simmons, a 16-year-old at Randleman High, took this picture while out with his aunt one fall afternoon. >> Melisa Staley Simmons, Sophia, Randolph EMC
- Hanging Around >> My son Noah, 2, in the snow that came after Christmas 2010. >> Candice Smith, Denton
- The Mud Sling >> Some good, “clean” family fun at the Mud Sling fundraiser put on by the Glade Creek Volunteer Fire Dept. >> Sandra L. Walker, Sparta, Blue Ridge Electric
- Her Favorite Chicken >> Lana is enjoying a spring day with her favorite chicken. She is a country gal and loves to be outside. Lana and her brother, Nathan, enjoy raising chickens on their small farm in Sampson County. >> Celeste Williford, Dunn, South River EMC
- Going Home >> This large loggerhead turtle has been rehabilitated at the Karen Beasley Turtle Hospital on Topsail Island and was released in June 2011 to go home, back to the sea. >> Lynn Wilson, Emerald Isle, Carteret-Craven Electric Cooperative
- Our Old Chevy in Walnut Cove >> My family and I love to just hop in the old Chevy and start driving. On this fall day we ended up in downtown Walnut Cove. I took this picture in front of the Just Plain Country Antique store. >> Kristy Witten, East Bend, Surry-Yadkin EMC
- Outer Banks Summer >> Sunrise This was the first official sunrise of summer 2011 at Kill Devil Hills on North Carolina’s Outer Banks. I got up real early to get into position, and it paid off. >> Joel Woodruff, Granite Falls, Blue Ridge Electric
- A Sunday Stroll >> Two little sisters sweetly join hands as they continue their Sunday afternoon stroll through this patch of puddles. >> Rebecca Yarbrough, Mocksville, EnergyUnited
- Fresh and Clean >> After beautiful snow fell, we decided to go for a ride. The countryside was beautiful. Everything looked so fresh and clean. My husband, my son, my daughter-in-law, the two grandbabies and I enjoyed seeing this barn on that day. My son snapped the picture for us. It is definitely one of my favorite photos, other than those of my grandbabies, of course. >> Angela Brooks, Dunn, South River EMC
- And Then a Frog Emerged >> I live in the Prospect Hill section of Caswell County. Panther Creek flows through the back end of my property. I am captivated by the diversity of the creek, with its twists and bends and ever-changing water levels that reveal and camouflage the habitats of small wildlife. During the drought this past summer, the creek ran completely dry, with the exception of isolated puddles that became a refuge for turtles, frogs and minnows. In one of these puddles I observed a cluster of tadpoles, struggling to reach maturity before their haven completely evaporated. During one of my walks in August, I was delighted to find a newly emerged frog (about the size of a pinky nail) floating on a leaf. >> Phil Cohen, Prospect Hill, Piedmont EMC
- White Oak Arms >> My grandmother had taken me to an old church to take pictures. I looked up and saw the arms of white oaks reaching for the skies. I kept trying and trying to capture what I saw when I looked up but I just couldn't get it. I finally went to a tree trunk leaned myself against it and held my camera up and got this picture. >> Kamryn Harris, Harmony EnergyUnited
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Comments (2)
Kay Evans |
January 06, 2020 |
I believe the photo you are referring to was published in our December, 2017 issue. You can see it in our online digital issue at
Carolina Country |
January 07, 2020 |