North Carolina Country Life - Carolina Country

Carolina Life

Stories of life in North Carolina

Learning the Language of the Heart

A glossary of heart health terms

Piedmont Candy Company Turns out an NC Tradition

Red Bird peppermints are an iconic flavor of the holidays

Young Families are Moving to Rural North Carolina

Census numbers show 80 counties gained those ages 30 to 39

Culinary Adventures of a State Fair Judge

The inside scoop on what makes a recipe stand out at the NC State Fair

Undeniable Truths of Heart Health

Diet and exercise remain keys to keeping your ticker in top form

Carolina Country Scenes 2018

A gallery of our readers’ best photos

Local Foods Take the Guesswork out of Gifting

These award-winning flavors are sure to please

How to Satisfy a Crawfish Craving

NC crawfish farming means more chances to enjoy fresh crawdads

The Growing ‘Gig Economy’

Tips to maximize your freelance earnings