October 2017 – Table of Contents - Carolina Country

October 2017

This Month's Issue: NC Festivals

If you like festivals, you’re in luck: there’s something for everyone in October. To mark the festive occasion, we’re dedicating much of this issue to exploring our festive state. Also, October is Co-op Month! We asked readers to tell us why they love their co-op—from friendly, reliable service to innovative programs.

— Scott Gates, editor

Feature Stories

101 North Carolina Festivals

Whatever the occasion, you’ll find a festival for it

PreddyFest: A Music Pilgrimage for Many

A sense of community brings festival goers back year after year

Why I ❤️ My Co-op

NC electric co-op members share the love for Co-op Month

Culinary Adventures of a State Fair Judge

The inside scoop on what makes a recipe stand out at the NC State Fair
