Chunky Monkey MoonPie® Ice Cream Cake - Carolina Country

Chunky Monkey MoonPie® Ice Cream Cake

4.5/5 rating (8 votes)
Chunky Monkey MoonPie® Ice Cream Cake

No matter what generation you are, Southern MoonPies have been around (since 1917)! Tasty by themselves, they are fun to use in quick-to-make ice cream cakes. Put a smile on everybody’s face with this whimsical frozen treat.


  • Parchment paper
  • ½ gallon chocolate chip ice cream
  • 1½ cups milk
  • ½ small box (3.9-ounce) instant chocolate pudding
  • 1 dozen mini banana Moon Pies® divided
  • 4–5 small ripe bananas
  • 3–4 cups whipped cream
  • 2 tablespoons cocoa
  • ½ cup chocolate chips
  • ¾ cup crumbled, salted nuts (your preference; we used macadamia nuts.)
  • Cherries with stems


  1. Line deep, 3-quart bowl with parchment paper.

  2. Soften ice cream for about 10 minutes.

  3. Add milk to pudding mix and set aside.

  4. Cover bottom of bowl with half of the MoonPies. Roughly chop the other half.

  5. Spread half the softened ice cream over the pies. Cut bananas into ⅓-inch slices over the ice cream. Cover bananas with remaining ice cream. Scatter with pie pieces. Spoon the pudding over and around pieces and around edge of the bowl. Slide knife down edge of bowl so puddIng will drip down.

  6. Freeze several hours or overnight. Remove from bowl and top with whipped cream. Dust with cocoa, then scatter with the chocolate chips and nuts. Top with cherries.

Recipe courtesy of

Wendy Perry, a culinary adventurist and blogger, chats about goodness around NC on her blog at

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Comments (2)

  • Do I lift the ice cream cake out of the bowl with parchment paper or turn bowl upside down so cake will slide out

    John |
    September 02, 2021 |

  • Hi John,
    I just lift the cake out by the paper. If frozen long enough, it will be nice and firm and lift out with ease. As you can see from the picture, you can just sit it right onto a serving plate/platter.
    I hope you enjoy the cake! Do come back and let us know...

    Wendy Perry |
    September 03, 2021 |

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