101 North Carolina Festivals: January
African American Cultural Celebration
Raleigh | ncmuseumofhistory.org
Join the statewide kickoff to Black History Month at the North Carolina Museum of History in Raleigh. Named a Top 20 Event by the Southeast Tourism Society, the 17th annual African American Cultural Celebration will feature more than 75 musicians, storytellers, dancers, chefs, historians, playwrights, authors, artists, reenactors, and more.
Chinese Lantern Festival
Cary | boothamphitheatre.com
Join us at the Triangle’s fourth annual Dragon Boat Festival at Cary’s Koka Booth Amphitheater on September 23. In addition to a full slate of dragon boat races, this celebration of Asian culture includes dozens of live stage performances, games for kids, food vendors, cultural and health information booths, and more. Organized by Asian Focus with races by Pan Am, the festival offers hours of family fun in a beautiful setting while learning about the Triangle’s growing Asian community.
Manteo | elizabethangardens.org
Stroll along enchanted garden paths and discover the joy of the season with holiday lights, sights and sounds transforming The Elizabethan Gardens into an illuminated winter wonderland. The radiant glow of the gardens, traditional holiday décor and fantastical displays are a true spectacle to behold.
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