101 North Carolina Festivals: March

Carolina Fiberfest. Photo courtesy of carolinafiberfest.org.
Carolina FiberFest
Raleigh | carolinafiberfest.org
Drawing fiber enthusiasts from the surrounding area and beyond, this family-friendly event features classes, free demonstrations, and shopping for yarn, ready-to-spin fiber, patterns, tools, accessories, and specialty items.
Alice Fest
Durham | alicefest.org
Named for filmmaking pioneer Alice Guy-Blaché (1873–1968), this festival celebrates Women’s History Month by showcasing film and media work by women.
Blue, Brew & Que Festival
Kenansville | duplinbluegrassfest.com
Bluegrass Lineup, plus BBQ Cook-Off, NC Microbreweries, Duplin County Wineries, Vendors & Concessions. Fun for the whole family! Bring your lawn chairs. Tailgaiting is available. Rain or shine.
Emerald Isle St. Patrick’s Festival
Sponsored by Carteret-Craven Electric Cooperative
Emerald Isle | 252-354-6350
Festival crowds go big in showing off their green, so throw caution to the wind when choosing Irish accessories for this one.
Rumba on the Lumber
Sponsored by Lumbee River EMC
Lumberton | lumberton-nc.com
The Rumba on the Lumber Festival with music, vendors, Rumba Games Exhibition, and the Lumbee River EMC Free Kidzone on Saturday, March 3 at the Lumberton Downtown Plaza.
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