State’s Newest Microgrid Online at Rose Acre Farms
Tideland EMC and Hyde County egg producer partner on the project

Here are a couple of facts about Hyde County, hugged by the Pamlico Sound along our coast, that you may not know: The largest employer in the county is Rose Acre Farms, an Indiana-based egg producer (which happens to be the second-largest egg producer in the country). And the farm recently partnered with Pantego-based Tideland EMC and North Carolina’s Electric Cooperatives to develop the state’s newest agricultural microgrid.

Terms to know
A microgrid is an electric system that combines local energy resources, which are managed and coordinated by a controller (computer hardware and software), to provide power to a defined area. Microgrids are connected to the main grid but can also operate independently.
The microgrid, which includes a 2-megawatt (MW) solar array, a 2.5-MW battery energy storage system and 6 MW of backup diesel generation, typically remains connected to the main grid, adding resiliency and diversity to traditional power resources. But should an outage occur, the microgrid can also operate in “island mode,” keeping egg production online.
The renewable energy generation creates another benefit to Rose Acre Farms by supporting its corporate sustainability goals, which include energy efficient lighting, and efficient water and waste management programs. The solar production is expected to offset about one-third of the total energy consumed by the farm.
“The partnership between Tideland EMC, North Carolina’s Electric Cooperatives and Rose Acre Farms demonstrates that agriculture and electric utilities — two of the state’s most important industries — can work together to improve power reliability while achieving sustainability goals,” said Tideland EMC General Manager and CEO Paul Spruill.
With the addition of Rose Acre Farms, North Carolina’s Electric Cooperatives has partnered to bring five microgrids online around the state.
Learn more about co-op microgrids in North Carolina
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